Kolkata: ITC Sunfeast Dark Fantasy introduced Indian consumers to a unique and superior centre-filled cookie experience a decade ago with the launch of its flagship product, Dark Fantasy Choco-Fills. It had disrupted the market by creating an indulgent product segment namely, ‘New Experiences’.
After creating and leading the ‘New Experiences’ category, Sunfeast Dark Fantasy is pushing the envelope of newer experiences in its second decade, starting with exciting additions and a holistic revamp of the portfolio. The refreshed portfolio will witness a reimagined packaging design, new product formats, variants, sizes and communication.

Leading the first-to-market new experience would be the launch of Dark Fantasy Nut Fills, a product which brings together a popular pairing of nuts and chocolate. This one-of-its-kind cookie is expected to delight the consumers with the crunch and goodness of nuts in a centre-filled cookie. Every bite of the cookie is filled with the nutty delight of delicious cashews, almonds and hazelnuts, crisped to perfection and superior flavour quotient. Big Choco Fills takes the route of abundance to take indulgence to a whole new level, with a bigger centre-filled cookie for those bigger craving moments. The third variant Coffee Fills adds in a twist of Coffee to the original centre-filled cookie.

Being known for a rich chocolatey experience, Sunfeast Dark Fantasy has also made its foray into other chocolate biscuit segments-premium cream segment with Bourbon and Sandwich Crème and the chocolate chip cookie segment with Choco Chip cookie. Through these, the superior aspirational experience of the brand is now available in many more formats and at a more affordable pricing.
Ali Harris Shere, Chief Operating Officer, Biscuits & Cakes Cluster, Foods Division, ITC Limited, said, “The latest launches stem from our constant drive to develop and redefine categories. With these new and more exciting offerings we also aspire to widen the consumption occasions for the brand. Sunfeast Dark Fantasy has been a beloved cookie brand in the country and in this new decade we look forward to continued love and encouragement from our consumers.”

The complete new portfolio will be available across e-commerce platforms, modern trade outlets, and grocery outlets. Sunfeast Dark Fantasy Choco Fills and Coffee Fills will be available in popular SKUs of 75 gms priced at Rs 30. Sunfeast Dark Fantasy Nut Fills will be available in convenient pack size of 75 gms priced at Rs 35 with an introductory offer of Rs 30. Sunfeast Dark Fantasy Big Fills will be available in convenient pack size of 150 gms priced at Rs 60.
The launch of the Sunfeast Dark Fantasy’s extended range will be accompanied by a 360-degree communication campaign intended to bring the brand’s latest innovations, including a new TVC, print and digital campaigns, along with strong in-store exposure.