Mumbai/Kolkata: Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) on Sunday announced raising Rs.5,683.50 crore from a wholly owned subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) for its Jio Platforms. This investment values Jio Platforms at an equity value of Rs.4.91 lakh crore and an enterprise value of ₹ 5.16 lakh crore.
ADIA’s investment will translate into a 1.16% equity stake in Jio Platforms on a fully diluted basis. With this investment, Jio Platforms has now raised Rs.97,885.65 crore from leading global investors including Facebook, Silver Lake, Vista Equity Partners, General Atlantic, KKR, Mubadala and ADIA in seven weeks.
ADIA, a globally-diversified investment institution, invests funds on behalf of the Government of Abu Dhabi through a strategy focused on long-term value creation. It manages a global investment portfolio that is diversified across more than two dozen asset classes and sub-categories.
Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries, said, “I am delighted that ADIA, with its track record of more than four decades of successful long-term value investing across the world, is partnering with Jio Platforms in its mission to take India to digital leadership and generate inclusive growth opportunities. This investment is a strong endorsement of our strategy and India’s potential.”
Hamad Shahwan Aldhaheri, Executive Director of the Private Equities Department at ADIA, said: “Jio Platforms is at the forefront of India’s digital revolution, poised to benefit from major socio-economic developments and the transformative effects of technology on the way people live and work. The rapid growth of the business, which has established itself as a market leader in just four years, has been built on a strong track record of strategic execution.”
“Our investment in Jio is a further demonstration of ADIA’s ability to draw on deep regional and sector expertise to invest globally in market leading companies and alongside proven partners,” he said.
Jio Platforms is a next-generation technology platform focused on providing high-quality and affordable digital services across India, with more than 388 million subscribers.
With its vision to enable a Digital India for 1.3 billion people and businesses across the country, including small merchants, micro-businesses and farmers so that all of them can enjoy the fruits of inclusive growth, Jio Platforms has made significant investments across its digital ecosystem, powered by leading technologies spanning broadband connectivity, smart devices, cloud and edge computing, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, augmented and mixed reality and block chain.
The transaction is subject to regulatory and other customary approvals.