Kolkata: Tata Structura in collaboration with SVF Entertainment has launched a campaign to celebrate the unbreakable spirit of the para-athletes. The “Ekla Chalo Re” campaign has been conceived in the form of a Bengali music video, which is a rendition of Rabindranath Tagore’s “Ekla Chalo Re” song combined with the mesmerising vocals and music of Anupam Roy.
The music video features leading para-athletes in the field of cycling, swimming, track, field sport and football, who despite obstacles have made significant achievements in their lives. By celebrating the undying spirit of para-athletes, the music video aims to inspire others to never give up on their dreams and show how dreams take shape when you start protecting it.
“Amid the pandemic, inspiring others to never give up on their dreams and to keeping moving forward is need of the hour. We hope that this music video will ignite that spark of protecting dreams”, said Praveen Shrivastava, Chief of Marketing & Sales (Tubes), Tata Steel.
The music video has been released on Tata Structura’s and SVF’s official social media channels.