COVID19: VLCC launches intensive restorative wellness program – VCare

COVID19: VLCC launches intensive restorative wellness program – VCare

Kolkata: VLCC has announced to launch an intensive restorative wellness program ‘VCare’, specifically targeted at addressing lingering after-effects of the COVID-19 virus infection.

Designed to help patients receive proper follow-up care in the weeks and months after their being declared infection free, VCare aids a healthier recovery, both of the body and mind. The program is available on-line at and at all VLCC Wellness Clinics pan-India.

Vandana Luthra, Founder & Co-Chairperson, VLCC Group said, “While the curative medical eco-system in the country is entirely and rightly focused on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also critical that patients who have recovered from the infection be given continued guidance if they have to achieve full recovery of their health. Lack of effective follow-up care could result in their requiring intensive medical treatment and possibly hospitalization in some cases, further stressing the already burdened curative healthcare delivery infrastructure.”

Vandana Luthra said, “This is where VLCC, with its deep knowledge in the therapeutic wellness domain, is stepping up to effectively contribute to battling the crises. As we push back this pandemic, post-COVID-19recovery programs will play a key role, not just in helping patients regain good health but also relieve some pressure on the medicare delivery system in India. VLCC is the only organisation whose Wellness programs carry the “Recommended by Indian Medical Association” stamp.”

The VCare post-COVID-19 recovery program has been developed by VLCC’s R&D team of medical doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists and psychologists, in consultation with specialists and subject matter experts who have been at the forefront of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

The program is designed to deliver measurable benefits across physical, biochemical, respiratory, fitness and pain-relief parameters, as well as mental wellbeing. Each program is monitored by medical doctors and is customized, basis the patient’s medical history as well as current physical and psychological condition.

The program includes screening and comprehensive assessments, physiotherapy, cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity regimen guidance, respiratory exercises, dietary modification and monitoring, specialized therapies, including ayurveda and yoga, as well as behavioral change counselling aimed at improving mental well being. Key measurable benefits include improvement in stamina, lung capacity, body flexibility, endurance, muscle strength, appetite and digestion as also reduction in joint pains, muscle soreness and fatigue.

The Company has also introduced VShield, an immunity building program aimed at strengthening the human body’s self-healing propensity and its natural immunity mechanisms. This proactive healthcare initiative is in response to the growing realisation that an individual’s natural immunity is the first line of defense when it comes to outbreaks of virus infections like COVID-19.

The VCare and VSheild programs are delivered by medical doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists and therapy experts and are available on-line ( as well as at the Company’s over 150 VLCC Wellness Clinics across India. The Company will also be partnering with hospitals across the country to deliver these programs, which have duration of 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity of the health condition.

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