Kolkata: EHG (Eastern Haematology Group) organised the ‘Eastern India Blood, Marrow & Cellular Therapy Meet 2023’ (EIBMCT Meet 2023) on Bone Marrow Transplant in Kolkata, a first of its kind Conference organized by Eastern Haematology Group in the region.
EHG is an organization which consists of Haematologists and Haemato-Oncologists from 12 states of Eastern and North-Eastern India.
More than 150 doctors consisting of Haematologists & Haemato-Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, BMT Physicians, Nursing Staff, Transfusion Medicine Specialists, Scientists and other supporting staffs associated with BMT attended the conference to share their knowledge, experience and expertise to consolidate BMT practice and discuss about futuristic planning on BMT in Eastern and North-Eastern India.

Prof. (Dr.) Rajib De, Organising Secretary, EIBMCT Meet 2023, said, “I would like to thank all the participating members from different parts of East and North East India. As we know, Bone Marrow Transplant is curative treatment for most of the life threatening haematological disorders like leukemia, other blood cancers, thalassaemia and other inherited blood disorders, aplastic anaemia and other bone marrow failure disorders. This is a very sophisticated and curative mode of therapy performed in few centers of Eastern India.”
Prof. (Dr.) Rajib De added, “EIBMCT Meet 2023 on Bone Marrow Transplant will set a platform in bringing revolution in BMT practice. Today EIBMCT Meet 2023 not only witnessed scientific discussion on different aspects of BMT, but it also brought together all the centers across Eastern India which presented their institutional experience followed by detail futuristic plan for collaborative activities to consolidate BMT practice in this region of India.”
The 13 BMT centers from West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Assam and Chhattisgarh which participated in the conference were: 1) NRS Medical College; 2) IHTM-Medical College Kolkata; 3) Tata Medical Centre; 4) Apollo Multispeciality Hospital; 5) Narayana Superspeciality Hospital; 6) Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre & Research Institute; 7) HCG EKO Cancer Center; 8) SCB Medical College, Cuttack; 9) IMS & SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar; 10) Paras HMRI Hospital, Patna; 11) Gauhati Medical College & Hospital, Guwahati; 12) B Baruah Cancer Institute, Guwahati 13) Balco Medical Center, Raipur.