New Delhi: In a historic move set to transform rural India and empower millions of Indians, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the physical distribution of Property Cards under the SVAMITVA Scheme on 11th October, through video conferencing.
Prime Minister will also be interacting with some of the beneficiaries during the event. Union Minister for Panchayati Raj Narendra Singh Tomar will also be present.
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The launch will enable around one lakh property holders to download their Property Cards through the SMS link delivered on their mobile phones.
The launch would be followed by physical distribution of the Property Cards by the respective State governments. These beneficiaries are from 763 villages across six States including 346 from Uttar Pradesh, 221 from Haryana, 100 from Maharashtra, 44 from Madhya Pradesh, 50 from Uttarakhand and 2 from Karnataka.
Beneficiaries from all these states except Maharashtra will receive the physical copies of the Property Cards within one day – Maharashtra has a system of recovering the nominal cost of Property Card, so it will take a month’s time.
The move will pave the way for using property as a financial asset by villagers for taking loans and other financial benefits. Also, this is the first time ever that such a large-scale exercise involving the most modern means of technology is being carried out to benefit millions of rural property owners.